Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Celebrate Our 1st Anniversary @ Burbank CR

It has certainly been a busy year -- a Spirit filled year! Praise God!

If someone had clued me in ahead of time about all the awesome blessings and revelations God had in store for us -- I would have been overwhelmed at the prospect.

We have developed real friendships in our Celebrate Recovery fellowship in Burbank. We have listened to inspiring testimonies and learned about the principles of a program that promised (and delivers) freedom from hurts, habits, and hang ups. We have enjoyed good food and better company. We have begun our step studies -- men on Tuesdays and women on Thursdays.

And we have celebrated our recovery together. We have shared our troubles and triumphs. We have been blessed.

Please join us as we get together for a very special celebration of the completion of our first year and our friend C. taking her 6 month chip.

Same CR place: Burbank Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Same CR time: Friday night, October 10, dinner starts at 6PM.

We'd love to see you there -- kids are welcome!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sobriety Birthday Celebration

Join us for a special sobriety birthday celebration
Friday night, February 1, 2008
Dinner at 6 PM
Large Group Meeting at 7 PM

We'll be celebrating with:
Shae 3 years
Erlinda 8 years
LaViva 10 years
Jutta 16 years

Everyone is welcome -- including kids!