A few weeks ago I was rushing to work. I was running a little late and, as I jumped on the freeway, I hoped that the traffic wouldn't set me back further. Trying to keep the wreckage of my past in my consciousness, I remembered my last two car accidents which were my fault and began to practice my safer driving skills. Like safer sex guidelines (as opposed to safe sex guidelines), I admit that nothing but God will keep me safe on the road. I became more aware of other drivers and accelerated as best as I could in my aging Ford Focus.
I hadn't yet made it into the mainstream of the freeway when I checked my left side view mirror and noticed a truck advancing quickly. I took my foot off the gas pedal and coasted onto the shoulder to allow the truck to pass. I was on the shoulder for just a moment, but that moment was a critical one. I was on well on the freeway when I realized that I could have been in yet another accident and perhaps I wouldn't have walked away from this one. Perhaps someone else's survival had been at stake.
A spark of anger petered out before it became a flame -- drowned by the gratitude I felt for having a shoulder I could escape to when I needed it. I didn't plan to be run off the road, in fact, my plans involved me making up lost time on a clear highway. Instead, I needed to slow down on the side of the road for a moment. The moment on that shoulder and the wonderful God who gave them to me may have very well saved my life that morning.
I don't remember if I got to work on time that morning, but I do remember to be thankful for shoulders -- moments of escape and respite -- and for a heavenly Father who provides just what I need when I need it.