Saturday, August 3, 2013

There is a solution

I remember the last time I felt hopeless. It wasn't very long ago, I'm sorry to admit. If I go further back I can remember feeling depressed, desolate, and full of self pity. I've been suicidal more times than I can count and if you ask me to explain why I'm still here, I couldn't give you a rational explanation.

Nothing about my life makes good, logical sense.

Why am I sitting here tired, but sober and the man across the aisle from me is clearly troubled by issues chemical, emotional and/or physical?

How could a person like me go from being a hopeless dope fiend to being a dopeless hope fiend?

Who decided that I get to have a job I love, a 20+ year career being of service to others, a comfortable home, a husband who loves and cares for me, and a daughter who brings me indescribable joy?

Where did I get faith?

There's only One Way to explain any of this: There is a solution and the solution is surrender.

When I was finally, truly sick and tired of being sick and tired... When I reached the end of my rope at last... When I used up every good idea and did everything I could think of to do to fix the mess my life had become... When at once I realized that I couldn't, I didn't and I stopped trying. I reached absolute surrender and found that there was a solution in the 12 steps, in the fellowship I found in the rooms of recovery.

I'd like to invite you to such a room. A room where you will find a small group of friendly faces, non-judgmental attitudes, listening ears, and a program that works. Please join us on Fridays from 6:00 to 7:00 PM for a Women's 12 Step Study at 710 S Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91502. Questions? Call 818-824-2019 or email

I look forward to seeing you there.

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